Chocolate factory

Publié le par johanna

Hi poeple,

Today with Sarah and Paul(a father) we go in chocolate factory(Cadbury).
We saw how the chocolate was to manufacture!
I learn more concerning history of chocolate factory: Cocoa trees grew wild in the jungle, and they used them to make a spicy, rather bitter drink for special occasions. Centuries later the Aztec Empire fell, and the Conquistador Hernan Cortés(spanish concistador) brought cocoa beans back across the ocean to Spain.Chocolate arrived in England in 1650s and it's aromatic drink. In 1657 London is very first Chocolate House was advertised: In Bishopsgate Street, in Queen’s Head Alley, at a Frenchman’s house.
The most famous one was White's Chocolate House in St James Street, opened in 1693 by an Italian, Frances White.

And a guide it's so cool and so funny when she know I'm french girl because Sarah said''this my french girl for exchange''.
When a visit  is finish she give me more chocolate and she said ''welcom in New Zealand, welcom in Duniden and welcom in a Chocolate factory!!! She is very nice.

This is my day

See you later

Xo Xo
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