
Publié le par johanna

Hi everybody,

Today with Sarah's family we went in Bonnie's home for birthday

For Bonnie's mother birthday and Clara because it's today too!!!!We eat so much (chicken, chinese food, cheese, corn flakes with caramelo, letuce, pavlova...) and we speak so much it's so delirious!!!!
After eat all poeple in a SPA with a bubles it's so funny and 39degrees it's so hot!!!
It's just a little day because we stay in Bnnie's home just 3 hours and before this party a make just shooping in a mal and wach a car but it's good day!!!

I'm so sad because I return in France in 6days it's not very long, my family miss me, my friends too and my activities of course but I love New Zealand it's a very good country with a beautiful landscapes and with many sheeps, I like this, I like all here, I love Dunedin!!!

I thinh I come back here I don't know when but I'm sure I will come back!

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